
Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's been a long time

It has been months and months since I have last blogged (almost a year I think), and I've really been missing it. Things have just gotten really busy and I feel like I don't need to be blogging if there is laundry to do, or the house isn't spotless. But there will always be laundry to do, and my house may NEVER be spotless.

I enjoy blogging. Sometimes you just need a place to get your thoughts out, especially when most of your daily conversations revolve around dragon's (each member of our family currently a different type of dragon. Some breath fire, some breathe ice, others breathe monkeys and even trees! I love the imagination of a three year old).

We've had a few changes in our family that I plan to be blogging about soon! The biggest change is that I'M PREGNANT!!! We are expecting "Thing 3" around December 4th, and could not be more excited! However the pregnancy has effected the adoption time line, but more on that later!

For now, I'm glad to be back!

1 comment:

Amanda Dengler said...

yay!! and if you don't blog within the next few days, i'll send you a friendly reminder. :) i'm going to try to be better about it too.

one thing that might be helpful for you is that you can schedule posts with blogger. so if you have time to type up 2 or 3 different posts, you can schedule them to post over the next several days. it's one of the options at the bottom of the rectangle in the drop down thing with "more options" or something similar. schedule it, then click "publish." i went through a phase where i was scheduling them, then clicking "save," and couldn't figure out why they weren't posting at the right time. let me know if you have questions about that. hope it helps!