
Thursday, April 29, 2010

not forgotten

Dear Blog,
I know that its been awhile...but I have not forgotten you! I've just gotten a little one track minded. I seem to be having some problems multi-tasking. I'm preparing for my first craft show this weekend, and have pushed you to the side. I'm sorry.

Ha Ha...but in all seriousness I really do have an issue with get everything done when I get a little busy in one area. It seems like if the house is clean, I can't find time to do my monogramming. If I'm busy with monogramming orders, then house seems to suffer. Especially the dreaded (dun dun dun) LAUNDRY!!! But I am getting a handle on things. And one area that I am proud to say does not suffer is my little ones! No matter what the state of the house is...or how busy I am with other things, reading, tickling, cuddling, swinging, and playing are always on the top of the list, because those are the things that are going to be important 20 years from now.

And...thanks to my very wonderful, very type A husband, I am learning to be more efficient! He even took off from work for a day to help me catch up on some things. (He also made me a great breakfast, hung pictures, cleaned, and made me crab cakes for dinner). love him. do you manage the various areas of your life?? kids, cleaning, work, spouse, friends?? it seems like there are never enough hours in the day.

1 comment:

Amanda Dengler said...

what? you're going to say "first craft show" and just leave us hanging like that?

what are the details? can't wait to hear--or at least hear how it goes. take photos.