
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

baby steps

I stumbled upon some information that may change my life.....well maybe that's a little dramatic. It will really make things easier! I have major issues with laundry. MAJOR!! Even with my cleaning schedule, I really have a tough time keeping laundry from piling up. Yesterday I found Mama's Laundry Talk an entire blog devoted just to laundry! Check it out. If you have a question about laundry..."mama" has an answer. I really liked her post about laundry routines. That's where I seem to have the problem. I don't know whether I should do it all on one or two days, or do a little everyday. She highlights different laundry routine scenarios. After reading and thinking, I am going to try Scenario #1. Have a set amount of laundry to complete by a set time. So I am going to go with 2 loads by 12:00 and see how that works! She also stepped on my toes a little with the concept that laundry isn't "done" until it's put back where it belongs! THAT'S where I have the issues! I get it washed just fine, it's folding it and putting it away that I have the issues with!

I found some more life changing advice from the former "messie" Sandra Felton. I first heard about her when she was on Focus on the Family. She has some great organizing and cleaning advice for people that she calls "messies". A "messie" is someone who just doesn't get it when it comes to keeping things neat and organized. Someone who despite their efforts, seem to be spinning wheels in these areas. She even offers a 12 step program for recovering messies! I think I really identify with this lady!! She has lots practical, small steps that you can take to keep things in order. Some of my favorite are the "30 second rule" (if it takes less than 30 seconds to complete a job, do it immediately), and "Stow as You Go" (put things back where they belong when you are finished using them). Two simple steps that I can stick to that I think will really make a difference.

My new home management goals:
1. Wash, fold, and put away 2 loads of laundry by 12:00.
2. Make bed each morning
3. If a job takes less than 30 seconds to complete....DO IT IMMEDIATELY
4. Put things back where they belong

If these things don't work, maybe a little inspiration will!


Kristie said...

Is that your closet and laundry room? If so, PLEASE come help me!

Caitie said...

NOOOO that is not my closet or laundry room!!! haha!! i WISH!!!! That's just my dream closet!!!!

Amanda Dengler said...

well, that makes me want to paint my laundry room. and get baskets to match the paint color. how fancy.

Caitie said...

i know!! i think laundry rooms are so neglected when it comes to decor!! I want to do something with mine but I also want new lighting fixtures in a few rooms, to paint both bathrooms, paint the foyer, and replace all of the door hardware with oil rubbed bronze. so......the laundry room kind of falls at the end of the list! one day maybe!

Anonymous said...

Ooooohh...I love that middle photo of the laundry room! I'm drooling!