
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cleaning Schedule its been FOUR months since I had a baby. It's time to get back on track! About 3 months before he was born I created a cleaning schedule, and it really was working quite nicely. I had two or three "chores", for lack of a better term, each day in addition to the daily upkeep of the house like doing the dishes, cooking, and such. As a stay at home mom since I don't get "off" work at a certain time, I often find myself doing housework throughout the day. When I was sticking to my schedule I was able to do my work for the day and not feel like I had to clean the house all in one day. The house was staying spotless relatively clean and once I finished the day's job I felt free to do other things.

  • Monday- Bathrooms and Laundry
  • Tuesday- Mop Floors and Vacuum
  • Wednesday- Dust and Kitchen
  • Thursday- Clean Thing 1's Room and Wash Windows
  • Friday- Clean Thing 2's Room, Mop, and Vacuum
My goal now is to stick to my schedule and not fall behind. When I stopped doing i before it was not a conscious decision. I just missed a day here or there and ended up off track. Oh yeah...and I had a baby. That's always a good excuse, right???

So now I'm going to get back on track and get my work done so that I have more time for the important things like stacking blocks, playing with fuzzies, tickling babies, and spending time with my husband when he gets home!


Amanda Dengler said...

nice schedule. i think i'll try it. what i've been trying to do is one load of laundry everyday, and the rest of the chores on saturday (or monday during wedding season). i'll probably still try to spread out the laundry along with the rest of the chores though. i'll let you know how it goes.

Unknown said...

Cleaning is fun!! At least for those of us with warped minds....