
Monday, March 15, 2010

so NOT super mom

Recently, while I was fixing supper, Thing 1 was sitting at his little table coloring, and Thing 2 was in his crib napping. I starting thinking to myself how "together" I had everything! The house was clean, the boys were clean, Thing 1 was occupied in a fairly stimulating activity instead of watching TV, and I was going to have supper waiting on the table when my husband got home from work. Come to think of it, I think I might have even managed to take a shower and put on make up that day! Wow...I really had it together! I must be really getting the hang of this "mom" thing...or so I thought. Until I turned around to see this......

All over the couch!!!

This brought me back down to reality real fast!!!

Proverbs 16:18 does tell us: Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
It might sound a little dramatic. I know that crayon on the couch is hardly considered "destruction", but I it was enough to cause me to check myself! I don't want to fall into the trap of pride. I'm so thankful that God was able to use this to bring me back down a little. I think it's easy to take pride in something when you feel you've put a lot of effort into it and you begin to see results. So many times we want to give our worries to God, yet we are not so quick to give him the glory when things are going right! I think this was God's subtle way of letting me know that I am NOT in control. The good times and the struggles are all equally His.

But.......come to think of it, we were getting kind of tired of this couch anyway. We've been wanting to do a something a little different! But I was thinking something more along the lines of some new toss pillows or something! Maybe something more like this....

1 comment:

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh girl, what a good reminder. I once had a similar experience - I thought I was all that and a bag of potato chips bc I was sining the National Anthem at a huge basketball tournament. And as I went to sing I belted out the first line - and forgot the rest! The next day I read that verse and realized that the Lord was teaching me something. Definatly counts as one of my most embarrassing moments and also a big teaching moment.